Days after Secretary of Treasury, Steven Mnuchin recommended the bill for the filing deadline to also be extended alongside the payment due date, this morning the Internal Revenue Service sent out an official statement that it had in fact, extended the filing deadline from April 15, 2020 to July 15, 2020. This announcement was a matter of when and not if. The parties who took part in the bill indicated that both payment and filing extensions needed to go hand in hand to truly provide the relief for tax payers and certain companies who are benefitting from that extra time to make payments. For all individuals who have not yet filed their tax returns, there is an additional 90 days past the original due date to get them done. The official deadline now for making payments and filing your tax returns has been changed from April 15, 2020 to July 15, 2020.
For more information visit or you may wish to read this article published by CNBC that goes more in detail about the statement that was issued making the new extension official.